Geuk jang jeon 2005


In Seoul, a suicidal student meets a young woman who decides to join him in his fatal gesture. Tongsu, an unsuccessful filmmaker, spots a beautiful young woman, who happens to be the lead actress in the film he has just seen.

Tutti i titoli
  • FR: Geuk jang jeon Geuk jang jeon
  • BR: Conto de Cinema Conto de Cinema
  • CA: Conte de cinéma Conte de cinéma
  • FR: Příběh filmu Příběh filmu
  • FR: Conte de cinéma Conte de cinéma
  • DE: Eine Kinogeschichte Eine Kinogeschichte
  • JP: 映画館の恋 映画館の恋
  • RU: История кино История кино
  • ES: Un cuento de cine Un cuento de cine
  • UA: Tale of Cinema Tale of Cinema
  • US: Tale of Cinema Tale of Cinema
  • FR: Tale of Cinema Tale of Cinema
Data di rilascio 27 May 2005
Link IMDb
